When speaking of arthritis, generically refers to a disease that affects the joints causing inflammation in principle. In reality there are many kinds of arthritis: microcrystalline (gouty and non-gouty), psoriatic, intermittent, traumatic, reactive and others, but today's note will exclusively refer to one of the best known and most frequent: Rheumatoid Polyarthritis (PAR). ) commonly known as deforming arthritis.
PAR is a disease characterized by chronic joint inflammation of a long time, with an obscure cause and where there is an immunological influence that is not yet fully clarified. The name PAR is conventionally used for people over 15 years of age, while in minors it is referred to as juvenile chronic arthritis.
PAR is much more common in women than in men -approximately 75%- and affects the joints above all, but it can also affect other organs such as the skin, heart, respiratory system, eyes, liver, kidneys and blood.
It usually has an insidious and progressive onset that causes painful stiffness in the morning, as well as swelling of the fingers, knuckles, and wrists. This progressive beginning through the hands is very reminiscent of the diagnosis.
Very frequently other joints are attacked at the same time or shortly after: knees, ankles, feet, elbows, shoulders, spine and hips.
Knee osteoarthritis
When we talk about osteoarthritis, we refer to a degenerative process of wear and tear on the joints, which basically begins in the articular cartilage that covers them and, if the necessary measures are not taken, it is very likely that the disease will also affect the underlying bone. and the joint space.
Cervicalgia – Neck Pain
There are many neck structures that can cause pain in it: muscles, ligaments, vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, etc.
The neck can hurt because of multiple factors that involve these structures:
muscle problems
deviation of vertebrae
vertebral misalignments
disc disease (disc alterations of varying degrees whose maximum expression is the herniated disc that means the disc comes out of its place)
trigger points (focuses of hyperexcitability that cause pain in the neck, but also at a distance from it, such as in the head, chest, arms)
osteoporosis (although in reality the sectors of the spine most affected by this disease are the thoracic and lumbar spine, where crushing and vertebral fractures occur, which are the ones that mostly cause pain).
Other less frequent causes: malformations, infections and tumors.
When the symptoms are confined to the neck, we call it cervical syndrome. When the symptoms manifest not only in the neck, but also spread to the head, with pain and/or dizziness, we call it cervical-cranial syndrome and, when the symptoms that It originates in the neck and spreads to one or both of the upper limbs (shoulder, arm, wrist, hand). We call it cervicobrachial syndrome, and it is common in these cases for the patient to also manifest paresthetic sensations: tickling, tingling, numbness, pinpricks.
This disease is characterized by pain in the lower back that usually spreads to one limb and more rarely to both.
That is, the pain can reach the buttock, thigh, knee, calf, ankle and foot.
Many times the person also feels what in medicine is known as paresthetic sensations: "tingling", "tingling", "burning" or "pins and needles" in the aforementioned places.
Sciatica can become very painful and is the result of irritation or inflation of the sciatic nerve, the largest in the entire body. Surely the majority of Uruguayans have heard the word sciatica, because they have suffered it in their own flesh, by reference or because they have seen a relative suffer. But it is true that most are completely unaware of what it is really about.
This term derives from the sciatic nerve, a thick nerve cord (formed by several roots) that originates in the lower part of the spinal cord, in the area of the lumbar spine (lower back), crosses the pelvis, enters the the muscular mass that constitutes the buttock and runs through the thickness of the corresponding muscles, to the back of the thigh and leg, ending at the foot.
During this long journey, the nerve emits numerous branches that will innervate the different muscles of the regions it crosses. When this nerve is irritated, it becomes inflamed and painful, and thus sciatica sets in, a disease characterized by the dominant symptom of pain.
It is estimated that each year approximately 90% of men and 95% of women have at least one episode of headache or headache.
There are two main groups of headache: primary and secondary:
Primary headaches include tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches, and are not caused by any underlying pathology. More than 90% of headaches are primary.
Secondary headaches result from other medical conditions, such as an infection or increased pressure in the skull from a tumor. These are responsible for less than 10% of all headaches. Actually there are many more possibilities that cause headaches, however we will refer to the most common.
Waist pain
Statistically, we can say that most people have had, currently have, or will have at some point in their lives, lumbago, which can be of very variable intensity, from very mild to very intense, even disabling, forcing the patient to rest. absolute and, also of highly variable duration, from a few seconds to months or years of suffering.
The pain is basically located, as the title indicates, in the waist, in the lower part of the back.
Back pain
Back pain is caused by alterations of the different structures that form it, such as muscles, ligaments, intervertebral discs, vertebrae, nerves.
It is also known that there are other physical factors (work, postural, related to the physical activity carried out by the person) and psychological factors that can also be decisive in the appearance of pain. If we add to this the frequency with which the back suffers alterations, there are several elements that, alone or in combination, explain the high frequency of back pain in the general population.
Shoulder osteoarthritis
When we talk about the shoulder, we are actually referring to a group of joints that together are called the thoracoscapulohumeral joint, which involves the thorax, the scapula or shoulder blade, and the humerus (long arm bone), all of which allow the shoulder to move. It is the most mobile joint in the body.
Hip arthrosis
Hip pain can be caused by multiple causes, such as different types of arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, infections, Paget's disease and others, but the most common is hip osteoarthritis.
Herniated disc
A frequent cause of severe pain in the spine and lower limbs.
Intervertebral disc herniation is a fairly frequent condition, due to the fact that the resistance of the fibro-elastic disc -which separates one vertebral body from another- decreases over time due to different factors: aging, repeated traumas, or congenital defects.
This disc constitutes a true shock absorber on which the forces required to the spine are discharged in our normal and abnormal movements. Its external ring is fibrous and consistent, while in the center there is a softer and more elastic area, the nucleus pulposus, which moves according to the movements that we inflict on the spine.
Due to different circumstances mentioned at the beginning, the disc may gradually decrease its resistance, which, aggravated by vicious conditions of the spine, creates the breeding ground for the nucleus to project to the sides or backwards, thus producing the hernia -exit from its place- from the disk. There are, logically, different evolutionary degrees of the disease, according to the herniated volume.
Although it is true that people suffer from the entire back, it is also true that the sector most frequently involved is the lower part of it, the waist, pain that is known as low back pain or lumbago.
Statistically, it can be said that most people have had, have or will at some point in their lives have lumbago, which can be from very mild to very intense, disabling at other times, forcing the patient to rest completely and, also very variable duration, from a few seconds to months or years of suffering, with crises and remissions.
Osteoporosis is characterized by the weakness and fragility of the bones, which makes them easily fractured, due to a decrease in their mineral content. It literally means pores in the bone.
Certain risk factors that predispose to the disease have been identified:
Bones not sufficiently developed
Estrogen deficiency (menopause)
Lack of physical exercises
Sedentary life
White race
smoking habit
Consumption of alcoholic beverages
The problem with osteoporosis is that the bones retain their size but their walls thin and the holes in the spongy bone enlarge. This weakens its resistance and predisposes to fractures. A lower bone mass and an alteration of the bone architecture are the factors that define this disease. The risk of suffering fractures depends on the trauma suffered and/or the low bone mass. In elderly patients, the risk of suffering fractures is greater due to the physical limitations of age. Low bone mass may be the result of not having reached a sufficient maximum amount of bone during your life or that you currently have increased bone loss, which may be caused by menopause or natural aging. The disease in its beginning is absolutely silent.
His Detection is given by, an unexplained fracture leads to medical consultation. Also due to a decrease in size or a slight curvature in the upper part of the back, diffuse pain or discomfort at the level of the spine
As the vertebrae weaken, they are crushed under the weight of the upper body, causing the hump or kyphosis of the thoracic spine.
Knee Tendonitis
When we talk about the goose foot, we refer to a joint tendon of 3 leg muscles (sartorius, medial rectus, and semitendinosus) that inserts on the lower medial part of the knee.
For different reasons, micro or macro trauma, efforts, excessive exercise, standing for a long time and even many times for unknown causes, this joint tendon becomes inflamed and causes this tendinitis. It is actually a tenobursitis, that is, not only the tendon is inflamed, but also a serous sac that is found between this tendon and the underlying bone.